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Custom Service

Writing a custom Service is as simple as

  • declaring a class
  • defining its signals and properties
  • declaring get/set for properties

This is an example Service for backlight using brightnessctl to set the brightness and Utils.monitorFile to watch for changes.

class BrightnessService extends Service {
// every subclass of GObject.Object has to register itself
static {
// takes three arguments
// the class itself
// an object defining the signals
// an object defining its properties
// 'name-of-signal': [type as a string from GObject.TYPE_<type>],
'screen-changed': ['float'],
// 'kebab-cased-name': [type as a string from GObject.TYPE_<type>, 'r' | 'w' | 'rw']
// 'r' means readable
// 'w' means writable
// guess what 'rw' means
'screen-value': ['float', 'rw'],
// this Service assumes only one device with backlight
#interface = Utils.exec("sh -c 'ls -w1 /sys/class/backlight | head -1'");
// # prefix means private in JS
#screenValue = 0;
#max = Number(Utils.exec('brightnessctl max'));
// the getter has to be in snake_case
get screen_value() {
return this.#screenValue;
// the setter has to be in snake_case too
set screen_value(percent) {
if (percent < 0)
percent = 0;
if (percent > 1)
percent = 1;
Utils.execAsync(`brightnessctl set ${percent * 100}% -q`);
// the file monitor will handle the rest
constructor() {
// setup monitor
const brightness = `/sys/class/backlight/${this.#interface}/brightness`;
Utils.monitorFile(brightness, () => this.#onChange());
// initialize
#onChange() {
this.#screenValue = Number(Utils.exec('brightnessctl get')) / this.#max;
// signals have to be explicitly emitted
this.emit('changed'); // emits "changed"
this.notify('screen-value'); // emits "notify::screen-value"
// or use Service.changed(propName: string) which does the above two
// this.changed('screen-value');
// emit screen-changed with the percent as a parameter
this.emit('screen-changed', this.#screenValue);
// overwriting the connect method, let's you
// change the default event that widgets connect to
connect(event = 'screen-changed', callback) {
return super.connect(event, callback);
// the singleton instance
const service = new BrightnessService;
// export to use in other modules
export default service;


Using it with widgets is as simple as using the builtin ones.

import brightness from './brightness.js';
const slider = Widget.Slider({
on_change: self => brightness.screen_value = self.value,
value: brightness.bind('screen-value'),
const label = Label({
label: brightness.bind('screen-value').as(v => `${v}`),
setup: self => self.hook(brightness, (self, screenValue) => {
// screenValue is the passed parameter from the 'screen-changed' signal
self.label = screenValue ?? 0;
// NOTE:
// since hooks are run upon construction
// the passed screenValue will be undefined the first time
// all three are valid
self.label = `${brightness.screenValue}`;
self.label = `${brightness.screen_value}`;
self.label = `${brightness['screen-value']}`;
}, 'screen-changed'),