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AGS widget properties

These are properties that Astal.js additionally adds to Gtk.Widgets

  • className: string - List of class CSS selectors separated by white space.
  • css: string - Inline CSS. e.g label { color: white; }. If no selector is specified * will be assumed. e.g color: white; will be inferred as * { color: white; }.
  • cursor: string - Cursor style when hovering over widgets that have hover states, e.g it won't work on labels. list of valid values.
  • clickThrough: boolean - Lets click events through.

To have a full list of available properties, reference the documentation of the widget.

AGS widget methods

Additional methods that Astal.js adds to Gtk.Widget instances


setup is a convenience prop to not have predefine widgets before returning them

without setup

function MyWidget() {
    const button = Widget.Button()
    // setup button
    return button

using setup

function MyWidget() {
    function setup(button: Widget.Button) {
        // setup button

    return <buttons setup={setup} />


Shorthand for connection and disconnecting to gobjects.

without hook

function MyWidget() {
    const id = gobject.connect("signal", callback)

    return <box
        onDestroy={() => {

with hook

function MyWidget() {
    return <box
        setup={(self) => {
            self.hook(gobject, "signal", callback)


Toggle classNames based on a condition

function MyWidget() {
    return <box
        setup={(self) => {
            self.toggleClassName("classname", someCondition)

How to use non builtin Gtk widgets

Using Widget.astalify you can setup widget constructors to behave like builtin widgets. The astalify function will apply the following:

  • set visible to true by default (Gtk3 widgets are invisible by default)
  • make gobject properties accept and consume Binding objects
  • add properties and methods listed above
  • proxify the constructor so the new keyword is not needed
  • sets up signal handlers that are passed as props prefixed with on
import { Widget, Gtk } from "astal"

// define its props, constructor and type
export type ColorButtonProps = Widget.ConstructProps<
    { onColorSet: [] }
export const ColorButton = Widget.astalify<
    typeof Gtk.ColorButton,
export type ColorButton = ReturnType<typeof ColorButton>

function MyWidget() {
    function setup(button: ColorButton) {}

    return <ColorButton
        rgba={new Gdk.RGBA({
            red: 1,
            green: 0,
            blue: 0,
            alpha: 0.5,
        onColorSet={(self) => {


Signal properties have to be annotated manually for TypeScript. You can reference Gtk3 and Astal for available signals.


As stated before children are passed as either child or children property, when passing a container widget with Widget.astalify these rules still apply. While subclasses of Gtk.Bin can take a child property in gjs, you might notice a warning that it is deprecated. You can workaround this with a simple wrapper function.

const GtkFrame = Widget.astalify<
    typeof Gtk.Frame,

export function Frame({ child, ...props }: FrameProps) {
  const frame = GtkFrame(props)
  frame.add(child) // use the widget's child adding function
  return frame


Type of widgets are available through Widget. Here is an example Widget that takes in and handles a possibly Binding prop.

import { Binding, Variable, Widget } from "astal"

export interface ToggleButtonProps extends Widget.ButtonProps {
    onToggled?: (self: Widget.Button, on: boolean) => void
    state?: Binding<boolean> | boolean
    child?: JSX.Element

export default function ToggleButton(btnprops: ToggleButtonProps) {
    const { state = false, onToggled, setup, child, ...props } = btnprops
    const innerState = Variable(state instanceof Binding ? state.get() : state)

    return <button
        setup={self => {

            self.toggleClassName("active", innerState.get())
            self.hook(innerState, () => self.toggleClassName("active", innerState.get()))

            if (state instanceof Binding) {
                self.hook(state, () => innerState.set(state.get()))
        onClicked={self => {
            onToggled?.(self, !innerState.get())

Builtin Widgets

You can check the source code to have a full list of builtin widgets.

These widgets are available by default in JSX.

Released under the LGPL v2.1 License