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Terminal window
$ ags --help
-h, --help Print this help and exit
-v, --version Print version and exit
-q, --quit Kill AGS
-c, --config Path to the config file.
-b, --bus-name Bus name of the process
-i, --inspector Open up the Gtk debug tool
-t, --toggle-window Show or hide a window
-r, --run-js Execute string as an async function
-f, --run-file Execute file as an async function
--init Initialize the configuration directory
--clear-cache Remove $HOME/.cache/ags

Bus Name

It is possible to run multiple instances with --bus-name. It defaults to "ags". When an instance is running, executing ags is actually a client process that will try to connect to the instance with the specified bus name.

Terminal window
ags # starts an instance with bus name "ags"
ags -i # opens up the inspector on the ags instance with bus name "ags"
ags --bus-name test # starts an instance with bus name "test"
ags -b test -i # opens the inspector on instance with bus name "test"
ags --quit
ags -b test --quit

Config file

--config defaults to $HOME/.config/ags/config.js

Terminal window
# example
ags --config $HOME/.config/some-dir/main.js

Toggle Window

--toggle-window is just there for the sake of it, if you want to have more control use --run-js

Terminal window
# example
ags --toggle-window "bar"

Running arbitrary JavaScript code on runtime

With --run-js it is possible to execute code when ags is already running. It is useful for: calling Service methods, updating Variable values, debugging or anything else. --run-js expects a string which will be the body of an async function executed relative to app.ts.

If there is no ; character in the string, return keyword will be inserted automatically

Terminal window
ags -r "'hello'" # prints hello
ags -r "'hello';" # prints undefined
ags -r "return 'hello';" # prints hello

print will print on the client side, console.log and other console methods will log on the main process’s stdout

Terminal window
ags -r "print('hello')" # prints "hello undefined"
ags -r "console.log('hello')" # prints "undefined"

--run-file reads the content of a file and passes it to --run-js

Terminal window
# these two are equivalent
ags --run-file /path/to/file.js
ags --run-js "$(cat /path/to/file.js)"

It is useful for shebangs

#!/usr/bin/env -S ags --run-file
return 'hello from a file'

Since --run-js is the body of a function, you can’t use top level static imports

The function gets executed relative to app.ts, which means importing a module from your config needs a full path.

this throws

#!/usr/bin/env -S ags --run-file
import Module from 'file:///path/to/file.js' // throws

You can use import as an async method

#!/usr/bin/env -S ags --run-file
const Module = (await import('file:///path/to/file.js')).default;


Let’s say you have a Variable in $HOME/.config/ags/vars.js that you want set from cli.

export const myVar = Variable(0);

You can import this module and access this variable

Terminal window
ags -r "(await import('file://$HOME/.config/ags/vars.js')).myVar++"

Your can make myVar global, to avoid writing out the import statement

export const myVar = Variable(0);
globalThis.myVar = myVar;
Terminal window
ags -r "myVar++"