Running external commands
function exec(cmd: string): string
This is synchronous, meaning it will block the eventloop
const echo = Utils.exec('echo "Hi Mom"') // returns stringconsole.log(echo) // logs "Hi Mom"
const uptime = Utils.exec(`bash -c "uptime | awk '{print $3}' | tr ',' ' '"`)console.log(uptime)
function execAsync(cmd: string | string[]): Promise<string>;
This won’t block,
Utils.execAsync(['echo', 'Hi Mom']) .then(out => print(out)) .catch(err => print(err));
Running external scripts
function subprocess( cmd: string | string[], callback: (out: string) => void, onError = logError, bind?: Gtk.Widget,): Gio.Subprocess
Takes two to four arguments, returns Gio.Subprocess
const proc = Utils.subprocess( // command to run, in an array just like execAsync ['bash', '-c', 'path-to-bash-script'],
// callback when the program outputs something to stdout (output) => print(output),
// callback on error (err) => logError(err),
// optional widget parameter // if the widget is destroyed the subprocess is forced to quit widget,)
Killing the process
Writing and reading files
function readFile(file: string | Gio.File): stringfunction readFileAsync(file: string | Gio.File): Promise<string>
function writeFileSync(string: string, path: string): Gio.Filefunction writeFile(string: string, path: string): Promise<Gio.File>
const contents = Utils.readFile('/path/to/file')
Utils.writeFileSync('some content', '/path/to/file')
Utils.readFileAsync('path-to-file') .then(content => print('contents of the file: ' + content)) .catch(logError)
Utils.writeFile('Contents: Hi Mom', 'path-to-file') .then(file => print('file is the Gio.File')) .catch(err => print(err))
Monitoring files and directories
function monitorFile( path: string, callback?: (file: Gio.File, event: Gio.FileMonitorEvent) => void, flags = Gio.FileMonitorFlags.NONE,): Gio.FileMonitor | null
const monitor = Utils.monitorFile('/path/to/file', (file, event) => { print(Utils.readFile(file), event)})
Canceling the monitor
Timeout and Interval
You can use native JS setTimeout
and setInterval
, they return a GLib.Source
const source = setTimeout(() => { /* callback */ }, 1000)
const source = setInterval(() => { /* callback */ }, 1000)
To cancel them use GLib.Source.destroy
You can use the ones from Utils
function interval( interval: number, callback: () => void, bind?: Gtk.Widget,): number
function timeout( ms: number, callback: () => void,): number
const id = Utils.timeout(1000, () => { // runs with a second delay})
The widget parameter is optional
const id = Utils.interval(1000, () => { // runs immediately and once every second})
If you pass a widget to Utils.interval
, it will automatically be canceled,
when the widget is destroyed
const widget = Widget.Label()const id = Utils.interval(1000, () => {}, widget)widget.destroy()
To cancel them use GLib.source_remove
import GLib from 'gi://GLib'GLib.source_remove(id)
Lookup an Icon name
const icon = Utils.lookUpIcon('dialog-information-symbolic')
if (icon) { // icon is the corresponding Gtk.IconInfo}else { // null if it wasn't found in the current Icon Theme}
should be pretty close to the web api
Utils.fetch('http://wttr.in/?format=3') .then(res => res.text()) .then(print) .catch(console.error)
authenticate a user using pam
Utils.authenticate('password') .then(() => print('authentication successful')) .catch(err => logError(err, 'unsuccessful'))
Utils.authenticateUser("username", "password") .then(() => print("authentication successful")) .catch(err => logError(err, 'unsuccessful'))
Send Notifications
Utils.notify('summary', 'body', 'icon-name')
const id = await Utils.notify({ summary: 'Title', body: 'Description', iconName: 'icon-name', actions: { 'Click Me': () => print('clicked') }})
const notifications = await Service.import('notifications')const n = notifications.getNotification(id)