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Common Issues

Window doesn’t show up

When a window doesn’t have a size allocation on construction, it will never show up. You can solve this by wrapping the children in a box and forcing the box to have some size. For example when the window’s direct child is a revealer that starts off with reveal_child: false

child: Widget.Box({
css: 'padding: 1px;',
child: Widget.Revealer(),

Custom svg symbolic icons

Put svgs in a directory, named <icon-name>-symbolic.svg and use App.addIcons or icons option in exported object

icon: 'custom-symbolic', // custom-symbolic.svg
css: 'color: green;', // can be colored, like other named icons

GtkWindow is not a layer surface

If Widget.Window shows as up as a regular window, it usually means ags is running in xwayland. Try running ags from a non xwayland terminal, or try

Terminal window
env GDK_BACKEND=wayland ags