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You are looking at the legacy documentation of AGS v1. Go to for AGS v2.

Type Checking

To have auto suggestions and type checking while working on the configuration, you will need to setup a TypeScript LSP in your IDE.

Use the --init cli flag that will setup a tsconfig.ts and symlink the installed type definitions

Terminal window
ags --init
ags --init --config /path/to/config.js

If you don’t want typechecking only suggestions in js files unset it in tsconfig.json

"checkJs": false

Using TypeScript

If you want to use TypeScript, you will need to handle the build step yourself.

Here is an example using bun build

const entry = App.configDir + '/ts/main.ts'
const outdir = '/tmp/ags/js'
try {
await Utils.execAsync([
'bun', 'build', entry,
'--outdir', outdir,
'--external', 'resource://*',
'--external', 'gi://*',
await import(`file://${outdir}/main.js`)
} catch (error) {
const Bar = (monitor: number) => Widget.Window({
name: `bar-${monitor}`,
child: Widget.Label('hello'),
windows: [Bar(0)]