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Type Checking

To have auto suggestions and type checking while working on the configuration, you will need to setup a TypeScript LSP in your IDE.

Use the --init cli flag that will setup a tsconfig.ts and symlink the installed type definitions

Terminal window
ags --init
ags --init --config /path/to/config.js

If you don’t want typechecking only suggestions in js files unset it in tsconfig.json

"checkJs": false

Using TypeScript

If you want to use TypeScript, you will need to handle the build step yourself.

Here is an example using bun build

const entry = App.configDir + '/ts/main.ts'
const outdir = '/tmp/ags/js'
try {
await Utils.execAsync([
'bun', 'build', entry,
'--outdir', outdir,
'--external', 'resource://*',
'--external', 'gi://*',
await import(`file://${outdir}/main.js`)
} catch (error) {
const Bar = (monitor: number) => Widget.Window({
name: `bar-${monitor}`,
child: Widget.Label('hello'),
windows: [Bar(0)]