functions return an instance of Gtk.Widget.
Most common widgets are subclassed and have a few additional properties.
These widgets have some additional properties on top of the base Gtk.Widget ones:
Property | Type | Description |
class-name | string | List of class CSS selectors separated by white space. |
class-names | Array<string> | List of class CSS selectors. |
css | string | Inline CSS. e.g label { color: white; } . If no selector is specified * will be assumed. e.g color: white; will be inferred as *{ color: white; } . |
hpack | string | Horizontal alignment, behaves like halign . halign takes an enum, but for convenience hpack can be given with a string, so one of "start" , "center" , "end" , "fill" . |
vpack | string | Vertical alignment. |
cursor | string | Cursor style when hovering over widgets that have hover states, e.g it won’t work on labels. list of valid values. |
attribute | any | Any additional attributes on self |
setup | (self) => void | A callback function to execute on self |
Setup property
is a convenience prop to have imperative code inside declarative blocks
without setup
function MyWidget() { const self = Widget.Button() // imperative code return self}
using setup
const MyWidget = () => Widget.Button({ setup: self => { // imperative code }})
Attribute property
for attaching additional attributes on widgets Object.assign
the attribute
property can be used
function MyWidget() { const self = Widget.Button() return Object.assign(self, { myPrimitiveProperty: "anything", myObjectProperty: { something: "anything", key: "value", }, })}
const mywidget = MyWidget()console.log(mywidget.myPrimitiveProperty) // anythingconsole.log(mywidget.myObjectProperty) // { something: "anything", key: "value" }
using attribute
has the benefit of it being a gobject
which means it will signal notify::attribute
when it changes
const MyWidget = () => Widget.Button({ attribute: "anything", setup: self => self.on("notify::attribute", () => { console.log(mywidget.attribute) }),})
const mywidget = MyWidget()console.log(mywidget.attribute) // anything
// this line will invoke the above console.log in the setupmywidget.attribute = "something else"
keep in mind that attribute
will only signal if its value changes
const MyWidget = () => Widget.Button({ attribute: { someKey: "value", key: "value", }, setup: self => self.on("notify::attribute", () => { console.log(mywidget.attribute) })})
const mywidget = MyWidget()
// this line won't signal, because the attribute is still the same objectmywidget.attribute.key = "new value"
// to have it signal, assign a new object to itmywidget.attribute = { ...mywidget.attribute, key: "new value"}
Common Gtk properties
Some common Gtk.Widget properties you might want for example
Property | Type | Description |
hexpand | boolean | Expand horizontally. |
vexpand | boolean | Expand vertically. |
sensitive | boolean | Makes the widget interactable. |
tooltip-text | string | Tooltip popup when the widget is hovered over. |
visible | boolean | Visibility of the widget. Setting this to false doesn’t have any effect if the parent container calls show_all() , for example when you set a Box’s children dynamically. |
If you don’t want to mutate the classNames
there is toggleClassName
: (name: string, enable: boolean) => void
const label = Widget.Label('example-label')
// add class namelabel.toggleClassName('my-awesome-label', true)
// remove class namelabel.toggleClassName('my-awesome-label', false)
The properties listed here are just the additional properties on top of their base Gtk.Widget classes. Refer to the Gtk3 docs for the rest of them.
subclass of Gtk.Window
the toplevel widget that holds everything
Property | Type | Description |
child | Widget | |
name | string | Name of the window. This has to be unique, if you pass it in config. This will also be the name of the layer. |
anchor | string[] | Valid values are "top" , "bottom" , "left" , "right" . Anchor points of the window. Leave it empty to make it centered. |
exclusivity | string | Specify if the compositor should reserve space for the window automatically or how the window should interact with windows that do. Possible values: exclusive (space should be reserved), normal (the window should move if occluding another), ignore (the window should not be moved). Default: normal . |
layer | string | Valid values are "overlay" , "top" , "bottom" , "background" . It is "top" by default. |
margins | number[] | Corresponds to CSS notation: [TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT] , also [0, 6] would have 0 margin on the top and bottom and would have 6 on the right and left. |
monitor | number | Which monitor to show the window on. If it is left undefined the window will show on the currently focused monitor. |
keymode | string | Valid values are "none" , "on-demand" : can receive keyboard input if focused, "exclusive" : steal keyboard input on top and overlay layers |
gdkmonitor | Gdk.Monitor | alternative to monitor |
const window = Widget.Window({ name: 'window-name', anchor: ['top', 'left', 'right'], exclusivity: 'normal', keymode: 'on-demand', layer: 'top', margins: [0, 6], monitor: 0, child: Widget.Label('hello'),})
subclass of Gtk.Box
the main container widget
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | bool | setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
children | Widget[] | List of child widgets. |
const box = Widget.Box({ spacing: 8, homogeneous: false, vertical: false, children: [ // widgets ]})
subclass of Gtk.Button
will be executed on Enter
if the button and its window has focus
Property | Type |
child | Widget |
on-clicked | () => void |
on-primary-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-secondary-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-middle-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-primary-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-secondary-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-middle-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-hover | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-hover-lost | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-scroll-up | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-scroll-down | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
const button = Widget.Button({ child: Widget.Label('click me!'), onClicked: () => print('hello'),})
subclass of Gtk.Calendar
Property | Type | Description |
date | [number, number, number] | readonly [year, month, day] |
detail | (number, number, number) => string | null | |
on-day-selected | () => void |
const calendar = Widget.Calendar({ showDayNames: true, showDetails: true, showHeading: true, showWeekNumbers: true, detail: (self, y, m, d) => { return `<span color="white">${y}. ${m}. ${d}.</span>` }, onDaySelected: ({ date: [y, m, d] }) => { print(`${y}. ${m}. ${d}.`) },})
subclass of Gtk.Box
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | bool | setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
start-widget | Gtk.Widget | |
center-widget | Gtk.Widget | |
end-widget | Gtk.Widget |
const centerBox = Widget.CenterBox({ spacing: 8, vertical: false, startWidget: Widget.Label('left widget'), centerWidget: Widget.Label('center widget'), endWidget: Widget.Label('right widget'),})
subclass of Gtk.Bin
Property | Type | Description |
start-at | number | Number between 0 and 1, e.g 0.75 is the top |
end-at | number | Number between 0 and 1 |
inverted | boolean | |
rounded | boolean | Wether the progress bar should have rounded ends |
value | number | Number between 0 and 1 |
const progress = Widget.CircularProgress({ css: 'min-width: 50px;' // its size is min(min-height, min-width) + 'min-height: 50px;' + 'font-size: 6px;' // to set its thickness set font-size on it + 'margin: 4px;' // you can set margin on it + 'background-color: #131313;' // set its bg color + 'color: aqua;', // set its fg color rounded: false, inverted: false, startAt: 0.75, value: battery.bind('percent').as(p => p / 100), child: Widget.Icon({ icon: battery.bind('icon-name'), }),})
subclass of Gtk.ColorButton
Property | Type |
on-color-set | () => void |
const colorbutton = Widget.ColorButton({ onColorSet: ({ rgba: { red, green, blue, alpha } }) => { print(`rgba(${red * 255}, ${green * 255}, ${blue * 255}, ${alpha})`) },})
subclass of Gtk.DrawingArea
Property | Type |
draw-fn | (cr: Cairo.Context, width: number, height: number) => void |
const drawingarea = Widget.DrawingArea({ widthRequest: 50, heightRequest: 50, drawFn: (self, cr, w, h) => { const center = { x: w / 2, y: h / 2, };
cr.setSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1) cr.setLineWidth(8) cr.arc(center.x, center.y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2) cr.stroke() },})
subclass of Gtk.Entry
Property | Type |
on-change | () => void |
on-accept | () => void |
const entry = Widget.Entry({ placeholder_text: 'type here', text: 'initial text', visibility: true, // set to false for passwords onAccept: ({ text }) => print(text),})
subclass of Gtk.EventBox
Property | Type |
child | Widget |
on-primary-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-secondary-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-middle-click | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-primary-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-secondary-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-middle-click-release | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-hover | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-hover-lost | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-scroll-up | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
on-scroll-down | (event: Gdk.Event) => boolean |
subclass of Gtk.FileChooserButton
Property | Type | Description |
on-file-set | () => void | |
uri | () => void | convenience getter for get_uri |
uris | () => void | convenience getter for get_uris |
const fbutton = Widget.FileChooserButton({ onFileSet: ({ uri }) => { print(uri) },})
subclass of Gtk.Fixed
const fixed = Widget.Fixed({ setup(self) { self.put(Widget.Label('hello'), 0, 0) self.put(Widget.Label('hello'), 50, 50) },})
subclass of Gtk.FlowBox
const flowbox = Widget.FlowBox({ setup(self) { self.add(Widget.Label('hello')) },})
subclass of Gtk.FontButton
Property | Type | Description |
on-font-set | () => void |
const fontbutton = Widget.FontButton({ onFontSet: ({ font }) => { print(font) },})
subclass of Gtk.Image
Property | Type | Description |
icon | string | Name of an icon or path to a file |
size | number | Forced size |
Widget.Icon({ icon: 'dialog-information-symbolic' })
// if you only want an icon, it can be shortened like thisWidget.Icon('dialog-information-symbolic')
// if you don't set a size, it will be computed from css font-sizeWidget.Icon({ icon: 'dialog-information-symbolic', css: 'font-size: 30px',})
// NOTE:// setting the icon dynamically has a flicker currently// to fix it, use a forced sizeWidget.Icon({ icon: 'dialog-information-symbolic', size: 30,})
subclass of Gtk.Label
Property | Type | Description |
justification | string | Valid values are "left" , "center" , "right" , "fill" . Same as justify but represented as a string instead of enum. |
truncate | string | Valid values are "none" , "start" , "middle" , "end" . Same as ellipsize but represented as a string instead of enum. |
const label = Widget.Label({ label: 'some text to show', justification: 'left', truncate: 'end', xalign: 0, maxWidthChars: 24, wrap: true, useMarkup: true,})
// shorthand for { label: 'hello' }Widget.Label('hello')
subclass of Gtk.LevelBar
Property | Type | Description |
bar-mode | string | Valid values are "continuous" , "discrete" . Same as mode but represented as a string instead of enum. |
vertical | bool | setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
const continuous = Widget.LevelBar({ widthRequest: 100, value: battery.bind("percent").as(p => p / 100),})
const discrete = Widget.LevelBar({ widthRequest: 100, bar_mode: "discrete", max_value: 10, value: battery.bind("percent").as(p => p / 10),})
subclass of Gtk.ListBox
const listbox = Widget.ListBox({ setup(self) { self.add(Widget.Label('hello')) },})
subclass of Gtk.Menu
Property | Type |
children | MenuItem[] |
on-popup | (flipped_rect: void, final_rect: void, flipped_x: boolean, flipped_y: boolean) => void |
on-move-scroll | (scroll_type: Gtk.ScrollType) => void |
function RightClickMenu() { const menu = Widget.Menu({ children: [ Widget.MenuItem({ child: Widget.Label('hello'), }), ], })
return Widget.Button({ on_primary_click: (_, event) => { menu.popup_at_pointer(event) }, })}
subclass of Gtk.MenuBar
const menubar = Widget.MenuBar({ setup: self => { self.append(Widget.Menu()) }})
subclass of Gtk.MenuItem
Property | Type |
child | Widget |
on-activate | () => boolean |
on-select | () => boolean |
on-deselect | () => boolean |
const menu = Widget.Menu({ children: [ Widget.MenuItem({ child: Widget.Label('hello'), onActivate: () => { print('clicked') } }), ],})
subclass of Gtk.Overlay Takes the size of its first child, then places subsequent children on top of each other and won’t render them outside the container.
Property | Type | Description |
child | Widget | Child which will determine the size of the overlay |
overlays | Widget[] | Overlayed children |
pass-through | boolean | Whether the overlay childs should pass the input through |
subclass of Gtk.ProgressBar
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | bool | Setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
value | number | Same as ProgressBar.fraction |
const progressbar = Widget.ProgressBar({ value: battery.bind("percent").as(p => p / 100),})
subclass of Gtk.Revealer
Property | Type | Description |
child | Widget | |
transition | string | Valid values are "none" , "crossfade" , "slide_left" , "slide_right" , "slide_down" , "slide_up" . This is transitionType represented as a string instead of enum. |
const revealer = Widget.Revealer({ revealChild: false, transitionDuration: 1000, transition: 'slide_right', child: Widget.Label('hello!'), setup: self => self.poll(2000, () => { self.reveal_child = !self.reveal_child; }),})
subclass of Gtk.ScrolledWindow
Property | Type | Description |
child | Widget | |
hscroll | string | Valid values are "always , "automatic" , "external" , "never" . |
vscroll | string | Valid values are "always , "automatic" , "external" , "never" . |
const scrollable = Widget.Scrollable({ hscroll: 'always', vscroll: 'never', css: 'min-width: 20px;', child: Widget.Label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ' + 'officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim ' + 'labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit'),})
subclass of Gtk.Separator
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | bool | Setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
const separator = Widget.Separator({ vertical: false,})
subclass of Gtk.Scale
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | bool | Setting vertical: true is the same as orientation: 1 |
value | number | |
min | number | |
max | number | |
marks | tuple or number | where tuple is [number, string?, Position?] , Position is "top" , "left , "right , "bottom" |
on-change | (event: Gdk.Event) => void |
Widget.Slider({ onChange: ({ value }) => print(value), vertical: true, value: 0, min: 0, max: 1, marks: [ 1, 2, [3, 'label'], [4, 'label', 'bottom'], ],})
subclass of Gtk.SpinButton
Property | Type |
on-value-changed | () => void |
range | [min: number, max: number] |
increments | [step: number, page: number] |
const spinbutton = Widget.SpinButton({ range: [0, 100], increments: [1, 5], onValueChanged: ({ value }) => { print(value) },})
subclass of Gtk.Spinner spinning icon showing that something is loading
const spinner = Widget.Spinner()
subclass of Gtk.Stack
Property | Type | Description |
children | { [string]: Widget } | name, Widget key-value pairs |
shown | string | Name of the widget to show. This can’t be set on construction, instead the first given widget will be shown. |
transition | string | transitionType represented as a string. Valid values are none , crossfade , slide_right , slide_left , slide_up , slide_down , slide_left_right , slide_up_down , over_up , over_down , over_left , over_right , under_up , under_down , under_left , under_right , over_up_down , over_down_up , over_left_right , over_right_left |
const stack = Widget.Stack({ children: { 'child1': Widget.Label('first child'), 'child2': Widget.Label('second child'), }, shown: 'child2',})
subclass of Gtk.Switch
Property | Type |
on-activate | () => void |
const switch = Widget.Switch({ onActivate: ({ active }) => print(active),})
subclass of Gtk.ToggleButton
Property | Type |
on-toggled | () => void |
const togglebutton = Widget.ToggleButton({ onToggled: ({ active }) => print(active),})