Variable is just a simple GObject
that holds a value.
Polling and Listening to executables
const myVar = Variable('initial-value', { // listen is what will be passed to Utils.subprocess, so either a string or string[] listen: App.configDir + '/', listen: 'bash -c "some-command"', listen: ['bash', '-c', 'some-command'],
// can also take a transform function listen: [App.configDir + '/', out => JSON.parse(out)], listen: [['bash', '-c', 'some-command'], out => JSON.parse(out)],
// poll is a [interval: number, cmd: string[] | string, transform: (string) => any] // cmd is what gets passed to Utils.execAsync poll: [1000, 'some-command'], poll: [1000, 'some-command', out => 'transformed output: ' + out], poll: [1000, ['bash', '-c', 'some-command'], out => 'transformed output: ' + out],
// or [number, function] poll: [1000, () => { return new Date(); }], poll: [1000, Math.random],});
Updating its value
myVar.value = 'new-value'myVar.setValue('new-value')
Getting its value
Temporarily stopping it
variable.stopListen() // this kills the subprocessvariable.stopPoll()
Starting it
It will start on construction, no need to explicitly call this.
variable.startListen() // launches the subprocess againvariable.startPoll()
Getting if its active
Usage with widgets
const label = Widget.Label({ label: myVar.bind(),
// optional transform method label: myVar.bind().as(value => value.toString()),
// hook to do more than an assignment on changed setup: self => self.hook(myVar, () => { self.label = myVar.value.toString(); })})
Connecting to it directly
myVar.connect('changed', ({ value }) => { console.log(value);});
Dispose if no longer needed
This will stop the interval and force exit the subprocess
Example RAM and CPU usage
const divide = ([total, free]) => free / total
const cpu = Variable(0, { poll: [2000, 'top -b -n 1', out => divide([100, out.split('\n') .find(line => line.includes('Cpu(s)')) .split(/\s+/)[1] .replace(',', '.')])],})
const ram = Variable(0, { poll: [2000, 'free', out => divide(out.split('\n') .find(line => line.includes('Mem:')) .split(/\s+/) .splice(1, 2))],})
const cpuProgress = Widget.CircularProgress({ value: cpu.bind()})
const ramProgress = Widget.CircularProgress({ value: ram.bind()})
Derived Variables
const a = Variable(2)const b = Variable(3)
// first argument is a list of dependencies// second argument is a transform functionconst c = Utils.derive([a, b], (a, b) => { return a * b})