If you don’t know any JavaScript, this is a quick 5 minute course explaining most things you will need to understand.
If you need a more in depth explanation you can look up anything on, everything except for the dom will apply to gjs.
Semicolons are optional, as there is automatic semicolon insertions
Logging, printing
// in gjs and other runtimesconsole.log('hello')
// in gjsprint('hello')
To define a variable use the let
or const
let someString = 'some-string'let someNumber = 69let someBool = true
const array = ['string', 69, true]
const object = { key: 'value', 'key-word': 'value',}
Flow control
if else
let i = 0if (i < 0) { print('its negative')}else if(i > 0) { print('its more than 0')}else { print('its 0')}
while loop
let i = 0while (i < 5) { print(i) i++;}
for loop
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { print(i)}
for of loop
const array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]for (const item of array) { print(item)}
There are multiple ways to define functions, with the function
keyword or with fat arrow functions, also know as lambda functions in other languages
named function
function fn(param1, param2) { print(param1, param2)}
nameless function assigned to a const variable
const fn = function(param1, param2) { print(param1, param2)}
fat arrow function a.k.a lambda
const fn = (param1, param2) => { print(param1, param2)}
invoke all of them like any other function
fn('hi', 'mom')
default parameter value
function fn(param1, param2 = 'hello') { print(param1, param2)}
fn() // undefined, hello
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]const [elem1, elem2,] = arrayprint(elem1, elem2, rest) // 1, 2, [3, 4, 5]
const object = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4}const {one, two,} = objectprint(one, two, rest) // 1, 2, {three: 3, four: 4}
useful in function definitions
function fn({ one, two }) { print(one, two)}
fn({ one: 'hello', two: 'mom' }) // hello, momfn() // throws error because undefined can't be destructed
export default 'hello'export const string = 'mom'export function fn(...params) { print(...params)}
import hi, { string, fn } from './path-to-file.js'fn(hi, string) // hello, mom
String formatting
use backticks
and ${}
const string = 'mom'const formatted = `hi ${string}`print(formatted) // hi mom